26岁,Begin Again
今天是我的生日,也是我第一个在异国他乡过的生日。 一
今年年初我离职了,虽如释重负但烦恼依旧。一是经济上的不稳定因素变多了,二是还没收到相应的 offer 缺乏应该有的‘定数’。
Think Backwards A Bit
A couple of days ago, I watched Ali's video. There is a thinking model in the video which leaves a deep impression on me. Here are two of my…
如果以 100 作为终点的话,我的 “彩虹” 已经绘制了近四分之一,也是时候留下些许文字标记这个时间节点。窗外的雨不知何时停,望着远方,耳机里循环播放着 Hotel California。是啊,生活在 “幻想” 之中,一切繁华终归只是泡影。 今年的工作和生活没有什么很大的变化…
What I Learn From Work - Chapter Two
In the last post, I was so angry and posted some essential problems in a real development flow and my reflection on my present job. After…
What I Learn From Work
After I worked 12 days consecutively, I felt extremely exhausted. So many thoughts pop up in my mind, and I have to write down this post for…